Based on the user research, the market research and visual myself and Eve had conducted we produce mind maps to plan out our ideas for both the brand and how the digital experience would work within the retail store/coffee shop. Our initial ideas focused around three sub brands of Being, Her, Him and Home which categorise the store. We also looked into how the brand's values and goals such as the brand being geared towards basics, nature and raw materials link with the visual concepts that we had started to devise. Additionally based upon the technology we'd researched in the market research stage we pulled out relevant concepts that could be adapted to the Being retail space and began to think about exactly how these different features will work within one cohesive store experience added by an iPad and potential use of camera with gesture and facial recognition.
Digital Experience Concepts:
- Recommendations - What did I buy last time, what do my friends recommend, what are they special, what does the app recommend I try?
- Natural gestures to complete common tasks like refill round or getting the bill
- Fling the menu to the kitchen
- Users can order of iPhone, order is gathered centrally on the iPad
- Store fronts to browse, Being Him, Her and Home
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