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BRIEF 7: DEFINE - Logo Mark Development

After a brief discussion with Jessie and discussing the range of typefaces that i've worked with, with her, she agreed that the Typeface Lydian reflected both her personality and her creative well. She like it's oriental elements but she felt it wasn't modern enough as ultimately she will be working in a commercial world. To solve this problem I decided to build a custom logo mark using the chosen typeface as the basis. Essentially my concept was to visually make the mark feel slightly more like a Bodoni style typeface so there it felt a little more commercial and industry based rather than being more oriental. I did the by tweaking most of the anatomy of the letterforms however I was essentially tweaking the weights of the Stems and arms within type. The end results creates a much more prominent logo and the contrasts in line weight gives the logo a greater visual variation in it's aesthetic so it therefor stands out more. 

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