I have conducted some research into Jessie Leong, through talking to her and discussing her work, her process, how she gets inspired, what she tries to achieve with her work, what is she communicating etcetera. I have also taken inspiration and looked at the works she has produce all of this has helped me become more informed about her practice and has solidified in my mind what thought process need to be behind the design thinking of her brand and logo mark.
The main aspect that Jessie Leong spoke about within her work is her passion and appreciation for cultures from all over the world, particularly oriental cultures. This is a focus of her's for her third year of study as well as passion she wants to follow within her career, I believe this is a strong aspect and sense of direction that should be explored within the logomark and brand.
I also think the key principles of her work, commerical and fashion photography should visually be portrayed within the logo, this is to ensure that the brand sits well with clients and the people who are looking to potentially employee her.
Furthermore narratives are a key part of how Jessie works, she doesn't just take photos, she takes photos to create stories or narratives, I think this is principle can be carried across the brand, logo mark and website design.
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